Interview with Jill Haley, September 2021
Jill Haley is a fascinating composer/musician who is getting ready to release her third album for 2021 in November. Jill is probably best-known as an oboist/English horn player, but she is also a very accomplished and expressive pianist. In addition to her own recordings, Jill has played on dozens of albums produced by Will Ackerman at his Imaginary Road Studio in Vermont – a big part of why Imaginary Road recordings have a very distinctive sound. Jill has a very interesting story to tell, as you will see in this interview conducted via email in September 2021.
KP: Hi Jill! Thanks for doing this interview! You have composed and recorded a lot of music about nature and specific areas of the US. Are you traveling these days or working mostly from home?
JH: Around the time I received my vaccine in April, restrictions on travel began to ease up, so I was able to complete three Artist in Residencies that had been postponed due to the pandemic. From 3/20 to 4/21 however, most of my work was done from home.
KP: You have released two albums so far this year with a third one on the way. Has this long period of the pandemic been especially productive for you?